Purchase Smart Shelf Tag™ ELi Codes

How many Premium ELi QR Codes do you need?

Most suppliers typically opt for all (or most) of the items they sell the majority of their retailers and/or distributors.

Premium ELi QR Codes are $189 each per year plus a one-time $89 per Premium ELi QR Code setup fee.

Do you need any optional Platinum ELi Brand QR Codes?

Unlike Premium ELi QR Codes, Platinum ELi Brand QR Codes are not UPC-specific and are built around brand and/or company information. Platinum ELi Brand QR Codes are great for: print ads, trade shows, sell sheets, promo materials, displays & shippers, and more.

Platinum ELi QR Brand Codes are $500 each per year with no setup fee.

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